Tuesday, June 22, 2010

One Proud Aunt!

It's amazing that something in life that starts as a huge SHOCK turns into a beautiful blessing. When Becca found out and told me she was pregnant, it was definitely a surprise. Although it was an adjustment, I watched Becca become more and more excited about becoming a Mommy. Now that Rylee is here, I can see that God has blessed Becca and Ryan beyond measure.

Yesterday was the BIG day! Ms. Rylee was breeched so Becca had a scheduled C-Section. I arrived at the hospital at 7 am. Let me tell you, Becca was a nervous wreck! Can you blame her? They were about to cut her open! I was told that I could wait outside the OR, as Ryan went in with Becca. As I was waiting to hear that beautiful cry, a nurse handed me a gown and said I could come in! Boy was I excited! I watched the operation in wonder and excitement. It was beautiful to see that sweet baby, MY NIECE, being pulled out of Becca's tummy. When I heard that first cry and saw that sweet baby, I instantly began to cry. What an amazing miracle! I watched them clean the baby and followed Ryan to the nursery. Ms. Rylee came into this world weighing 7 pounds, 15 ounces and was 20 inches long. Boy is she beautiful! She has dark black hair, Becca's lips, and a combination of Becca and Ryan's noses.

I spent the rest of yesterday holding that sweet baby and watching family fall in love with her preciousness. Becca instantly transformed into this amazing Mommy. I sat and watched as Rylee got quiet as soon as she heard Becca's voice. Truly breathtaking! So far I have learned that Rylee loves to cuddle, she preferred to be held tightly upright on her belly, and she loves for you to talk to her. I am so excited to have my role as Aunt Liz and am so ready to SPOIL, SPOIL, SPOIL! On another note...this amazing experience has definitely made me more anxious to meet my little one! :) In a little more than 2 weeks, we will know boy or girl. I can't wait to find out!

Here are some pics from our day yesterday.

Friday, June 18, 2010


I have heard that you will first feel your baby move around 16-22 weeks. Therefore, when I first felt the baby, I thought NO WAY!

On Tuesday (almost 15 weeks pregnant), I was laying in bed watching TV. I felt like there was a bug crawling on my stomach. I looked down, nothing. I just chalked it up to my skin itching. A few seconds later I felt it again, but this time it was more like "flutters." A few weeks ago when I starting asking about feeling the baby move, friends would tell me it feels like "flutters." I remember thinking what do "flutters" feel like? Now flutters is the only word that comes to mind. After I felt the flutters I, of course, started asking people if I did feel the baby and most agreed it was probably it.

Well Wednesday and Thursday passed with no movement. I decided it wasn't the baby I felt on Tuesday....until today! While in Memphis with Becca, I felt the flutters again. This time it felt stronger. There was no doubt in my mind that it was the baby. It's amazing that this sweet baby is now 4 1/2 inches long and is moving around, when 11 weeks ago, he/she was the size of a dot. God's work is truly amazing.

Friday, June 11, 2010


Today I went to the doctor for my 14 weeks check up. I was a nervous wreck. This pregnancy has been especially scary for me after we lost a baby in December. I have tried to stay positive, but was cautiously excited. However, I am now OVER THE MOON with excitement. The doctor put the doppler on my tummy and instantly we heard the sweet sound of the baby's heart beating. I, of course being the big baby I am, started to cry. In that moment I thanked God for this blessing and put this pregnancy in his hands. I love this sweet baby so much already and am thankful that it was in God's plan for Brandon and I to be parents.

On July 9th, we will find out if we are having a boy or girl. I honestly would love to have either, but am leaning towards girl because I have her name picked out. Whichever we end up having I know I am going to be blessed to be Mommy to this sweet baby.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Fairy Tale

I grew up daydreaming about meeting my prince. Who knew I would meet him in a Wendy's parking lot! I met Brandon over 8 years ago in January of 2002. I was 16 and he was 18. Of course, being this young, our relationship started as a flirtatious, causal thing. I remember having such butterflies in my stomach everytime I saw or talked to him. In time I realized that Brandon was special and he made me a better person. After many dates and late night conversations, we knew we were meant for each other. In December of 2003, Brandon proposed. We got married 7 months later in July of 2004. The day we got married was so special and I knew I was a lucky girl. We have been married now for 6 years this July. Over the last 6 years, I have learned that life is not perfect, but having that stable person who is there no matter what sure makes it easier. I know that God has big plans for Brandon and I. I can't wait to see where life continues to take us and am so thankful that I have the honor of being Mrs. Elizabeth Jones.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

1st Time Blogger!

Well I am gonna give this whole blogging thing a try. The thing is my family is scattered. We have folks in Vermont, Missouri, Middle TN, and East TN. That is just counting my immediate family. I would like for us to be able to keep updated with what is going on in each other's lives. I also have friends with busy lives that I do not get to chat with as much as I would like. So I decided to blog. Hopefully I will be better at it then I think I will be! :)

We're Having a Baby!
