Sunday, September 19, 2010

7 Months Preggo

The countdown is on...less than 12 weeks until Kaden is here! It is crazy to see over the last few months how much my belly has grown. I think I am not showing much at all, then take a picture and think oh yes I am! It really depends on how Kaden is laying how big my belly is. It is funny to see how I go from looking 5 months pregnant to 8 months pregnant just from the way he lays!

I can definitely tell that I am in the 3rd trimester. Naps are definitely a regular occurance! After a long day at work, the bed is my best friend! My pregnancy is still going great. At my last visit I failed my glucose test. I had to go back for the 3 hour test. After the first hour I failed again. I was thinking I had gestational diabetes and was so depressed. However I passed the 2nd and 3rd hour and am in the clear...thank goodness!

Every night now, Brandon and I watch Kaden move in my belly. I am not exaggerating when I say my whole belly moves. It is the coolest thing. The other night my brother and sister got to see it. It is so exciting to share this experience with my fam!

Yesterday we went and got a 4D untrasound. It was super neat! Kaden slept, wiped his eyes, moved from one side on my stomach to the other, then got cozy to sleep again. It was funny because as the tech did the ultrasound my belly was just a moving. I thought hey this is what you have been doing kid! We found that Kaden is DEFINITELY a boy! There is no guessing in that area! His little face is so chubby and cute. We learned he has a head full of hair already. From what I can tell he has Brandon's lips, cheek line, and feet and he has my nose. A lot can change in 12 weeks though. I was just excited to see him healthy and doing his thing. Here are some pictures from his ultrasound.

We're Having a Baby!
