Friday, July 30, 2010


Over the last week, I swear this kid is doing karate in my belly! He is so active and I love it! So far Brandon, my mother in law, my sister, and brother have all felt him move. I love that they get to share in this experience with me! My sister recently had a baby and was telling me how she use to press to find the baby and make her move. Well of course I had to try! So last night I was laying down pressing on my tummy and found him. Of course the lil guy instantly kicks/hits my hand. It was pretty neat! I get to go to the doctor next week and am excited to hear his little heartbeat again. Only 19 more weeks till we get to meet the little guy!

Friday, July 23, 2010

Half Way There!

So this week I reached the 20 week mark. I will say this first half of this pregnancy has flown by! I think it is because we kept it a secret for so long. I hope the next half goes by just as fast. However from what I hear, it will go by VERY slowly! I will say I am enjoying this part of the pregnancy. Every day I get to feel Kaden just a moving around. I will say he is quite active so far! Brandon and his Mom have both felt him move, although either has yet to feel a good kick. I guess he saves those just for me! Kaden's bedding arrived this week and we just bought some paint. Brandon is starting on the painting next week and I can't wait!

Here is a picture of me at 20 weeks pregnant.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

It's a BOY!!!

So yesterday was the BIG day! My husband, his Mom, and I went to the doctor to see our precious baby. As the ultrasound started, the tech told us that she was going to do all the measurements the doctor needed, then she would look for the sex for us. I remember thinking, "Man! I have to wait some more!" Well our baby had other plans. As soon as the tech started the ultrasound, we saw the "goods!" The tech told us if we looked we would have a pretty good idea of what we were having. Let me tell you, it was so OBVIOUS that we are having a BOY!! As soon as I saw it, I looked at my husband. That grin on his face was indescribable....he was one proud Daddy! :)

The tech continued with the ultrasound. At the beginning, baby was sleeping and she easily measured what she needed to. She told us his heart, kidneys, and umbilical cord all the looked great. We found out that he weighed 8 ounces and on average measured 18 weeks 3 days, although I was supposed to be 18 weeks 0 days. Either he is a big boy or the dates are a little off.

The tech then told us that his heart rate was 148. She then preceded to let us listen to it. This is when baby woke up! Every time she tried to listen, he jumped. I mean jumped. It was crazy to watch him do that. He is doing that in my tummy?! Crazy! After 3 attempts, we finally got to hear. She then let us look at him for a bit. At one point he grabbed his legs and started playing with them. It was so cute! Toward the end, he put his hand behind his head and relaxed. Its amazing how much personality he already has and he is still in my tummy!

After the ultrasound, we were all on CLOUD 9! What a precious gift! A healthy BOY!! However, it didn't take long for us to remember....we didn't pick out a boy name! We had a girl name, but hadn't agreed on a boy name! I knew I wanted to find one soon, so I could start calling him by name. We ended up going shopping and eating with my husband's Mom. The whole time we were going over names...I still didn't LOVE any! When we got back to town we went around to family showing off his ultrasound pictures...still talking about what his name would be. We still hadn't come up with one when my husband and I laid down for bed. As we laid there talking about our exciting day, my husband, a former jock in high school, tells me the baby looked like he was jumping at a cadence in football. I love football (GO COLTS!), but had no idea what he was talking about. He then explained how after hearing a code word, you jump into the play. He said the baby seemed to do this every time the tech tried to listened to his heartbeat. Suddenly it came to me "Kaden!!" Together we decided his name will be Kaden. I looked it up today and Kaden mean "fighter." It fits him after having complications early in this pregnancy, he is a strong determined boy. I must say I cannot wait to meet this strong boy of mine!

Here's a profile of our sweet boy!

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Whoa! What a Feeling!

So yesterday was a pretty lazy day for my husband and I. Boy did we need it after a stressful couple of weeks! We went to get some takeout and were going to watch a movie when we got home. However, as we left Brandon did not tell me not to lock the door, so when we returned we were locked out. Don't worry....not a big deal. For some reason, unbeknownst to me, my husband has always been good at breaking us in when this sort of thing happens. Anyway back to the story. As I was sitting on the front step waiting for my hunny to unlock the door, I began to feel the baby move. I am just over 17 weeks and this again felt like the flutters/popping I have been feeling for almost 2 weeks. I instantly told Brandon who made a remark about how the baby always decides to move at odd times.

Fast forward about 30 minutes, we are in our house stuffing our faces as we watch a movie. All of the sudden I felt a strong nudge about 2 inches under my belly button. I instantly look down to see if something was there nudging me. Nope nothing there. Then I felt it again. This time I started crying. It was my baby kicking. There was no denying it. As I start to tell my husband what was happening, the baby did it AGAIN! I must say that this feeling was a feeling I will never forget. I of course start talking to the baby trying to make him/her do it again without much luck. Regardless for the rest of the night I could not stop smiling. I am so blessed that I am able to have this experience and am so thankful for it!

By the way, 5 days until we find out boy or girl!! :)

We're Having a Baby!
