Sunday, July 4, 2010

Whoa! What a Feeling!

So yesterday was a pretty lazy day for my husband and I. Boy did we need it after a stressful couple of weeks! We went to get some takeout and were going to watch a movie when we got home. However, as we left Brandon did not tell me not to lock the door, so when we returned we were locked out. Don't worry....not a big deal. For some reason, unbeknownst to me, my husband has always been good at breaking us in when this sort of thing happens. Anyway back to the story. As I was sitting on the front step waiting for my hunny to unlock the door, I began to feel the baby move. I am just over 17 weeks and this again felt like the flutters/popping I have been feeling for almost 2 weeks. I instantly told Brandon who made a remark about how the baby always decides to move at odd times.

Fast forward about 30 minutes, we are in our house stuffing our faces as we watch a movie. All of the sudden I felt a strong nudge about 2 inches under my belly button. I instantly look down to see if something was there nudging me. Nope nothing there. Then I felt it again. This time I started crying. It was my baby kicking. There was no denying it. As I start to tell my husband what was happening, the baby did it AGAIN! I must say that this feeling was a feeling I will never forget. I of course start talking to the baby trying to make him/her do it again without much luck. Regardless for the rest of the night I could not stop smiling. I am so blessed that I am able to have this experience and am so thankful for it!

By the way, 5 days until we find out boy or girl!! :)

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